Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Follow Up, and a Quest.........

A follow up to a previous post on Mexican Trout. Here is a link to some of those beautiful trout.

I have started a quest, to find a population of sea run brook trout in Connecticut waters. The state stocks many coastal streams with both brook and brown trout. Many of these fish are caught soon after opening day, but some do survive, and perhaps a few of these will seek out the salt.
Connecticut does have a good run of sea run brown trout, and some are of generous size. While this fishery has its devoted following, most are caught by fishermen seeking other quarry.
In the next few months I'll try to locate one of these streams where a few salters will be found.
Today Jeanette and I started this search.

At the end of the last ice age, the glaciers reached their most southern movement at which is now Long Island. These glaciers carried many things with them, including these huge boulders, and probably frozen brook trout, and their eggs.
As the ice melted it may have created a large fresh water lake, which over the millions of years mixed with sea water, and with erosion and other natural changes created Long Island Sound.
Our coastal streams must have been full of these salters, and probably would be today if not for progress without thought.

A coastal river. Could it hold salters?

We walked through some wonderful countryside today.

To be continued.....


  1. I noble quest indeed...good luck and godspeed!

  2. All luck to you in this journey. And...your pictures are gorgeous!

  3. The picture of the boulder strewn shoreline is great. Those are my favorite place to fish on a foggy morning.

  4. A fishing kayak seems to be in order.

  5. I agree with Erin....nice pictures and excellent quest.

    I have to get to Red Brook this summer. Will the trout still be there in August as I make my way to Falmouth?

  6. Sanders,
    Thanks. I believe the task will be rewarding.

    Thank you for both comments

  7. Savage,
    I thought of you as we walked along the shoreline.
    This guy would be casting lures, and hooking those bass breaking the surface.

    Your right.

  8. Ed,
    Thanks. The salters will remain in the fresh water streams until they finish spawning. Then some will migrate into the salt and feed in the bay during the winter.

  9. Thanks Alan.

    It looks like I will be heading to Red Brook.
    Any particular fly you would suggest for that time of year?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Ed,
    Small streamers always work well. Mickey Finn, Light Edson Tiger, and the McKay Special, in size 8 or 10. I have also fished dry flies, The Haystack pattern produced.

    The white tipped fins on the brook trout are remnants of that ice melt.
    They have endured.

  12. That sounds like a quest worth making the feet hurt. Hiking until finally you have reached the goal of your search. Good luck and tigtht lines to you on your adventure. Great Pics.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Herringbone,
    Your comment is well received.

  15. This is an interesting idea that had crossed my mind recently as well.

    I am hopeful that you're successful.

    But, of course, the search is what this sport is all about.

    Good luck.

  16. Anonymous,
    I don't know if your from CT, but if you are you might know of a few coastal stream in eastern CT that could have a run of salters.
    I agree to recon is not a chore but an experience.
