It was another Friday and a outing was planned by Mike and myself to fish the Farmington river. The days prior were rain filled ones and Friday looked to be the best day of the week. Arriving at the river I looked to see some very fast and somewhat high waters flowing. This type of water flow may be fine to fish for some but it was not to my liking. Talking it over with Mike about a couple of options we had, which were more than likely better then the Farmington, we chose to take option number one.
"Bill's Brook"..the lovely stream that comes off a mountain and flows through a forest of mixed hardwoods and hemlocks. A stream that is gentile in places and tough in others. As it would turn out Bill's Brook would be the right choice this day.
The brook was up from previous rains, and this would be a great thing. Being prepared for fishing the Farmington we had some big water rods. Mike had a eight and a half foot rod, and I a seven footer, not ideal small stream rods but we made them work.
Mike's first fish of the day. A stunning brook trout that took a "Bomber"
These flowers were in bloom all along the stream. They rivaled the brookies in their colors.
Fishing this fast run I managed to poke a couple but they were unable to take the fly.
My first wild jewel of the day. Incredible that a "Bomber" in it's mouth?
We continued to fish the stream for a couple of hours, impressed with the numbers and tenacity of the wild trout.
Mike and I walked away from Bill's Brook with a smile on our faces. We were blessed with a fine day, enjoying the spirits of the stream.