Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Friend.......Some Thoughts, part 2

I find pleasure pursuing the brook trout in all seasons. Each one has its attributes, and drawbacks. I find that Autumn is the finest season in which to seek him out.
The streams and the landscapes are beautiful at this time of year. The waters have cooled from the crisp nights, and the days can be spectacular. It is also the time of year when the brook trout begin their quest to bring forth a new generation. They begin this anytime from late September through perhaps early December. I have seen this spawning activity in many of the streams I've fished.
The male brook trout at this time of year can be quite stunning. His colors seem to take on the same colors of the landscapes, only more vibrant.

I have been fortunate to fish for these fall classics in many places, from large rivers, to lakes and ponds, and in my favorite of places, "the small stream". I believe when a brook trout is taken from a small stream, his colors are more vibrant, perhaps this is because of his small size, sort of like a concentration of flavors. Just my view of it.

Some say that Autumn is a time when nature brings death to the woodlands, and this may be true.... but she also starts the life cycle of the brook trout.

One of the tools needed. Fly selection need be simple.

The colors of this brook trout rival natures finest paintings.

The Rangeley River in late September. Several beautiful brook trout have come from this river.

Even the streamers take on the colors of Autumn.

Autumn's beauty at its best. A wild brook trout, in a small Connecticut stream.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Friend.......Some Thoughts

In the next few posts I will attempt to tell a story. It will have  something to say about the brook trout, and my ramblings to encounter him.
He is a native to cold waters, having been here since the heavy ice rivers brought his ancestors to us. If you look at the white tips on his fins you can still see the remnants of his icy past.
He is a beautiful specimen of natures finest art. His home is the mountain stream, beautiful, but also hostile. He is found in the deep cold water lakes, as well as in the salty waters of the sea.
His needs are simple, but sometimes difficult to find. Clean water, food, and the ability to reproduce. Nature has given the brook trout this, all we have to do is protect it.

A free flowing stream. This one is protected, for it's fortunate to flow through land given free, and trusted to remain as so.

Little stream side wildflowers, seem to bow where this wild king swims.

You could write volumes about this wild char.... its not necessary, just look at the photo.

We have gone to some wilderness wild protected waters. And with our heavy equipment helped to enhance his home.

Royalty, living in a meager home.... their home.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Marabou. This wonderful soft, furry feather from the turkey is one very effective material for streamers. It's almost lifelike look when in the water will trigger strikes from predator game fish.
We are all familiar with the effectiveness of the Wooly Bugger, and the use of marabou in the construction of streamers works the same.
One can take a few materials and produce a fly that will take its share of fish.

These are a few "mini streamers" I like to fish in the small streams. They will also work very well in larger streams, and lakes and ponds. By changing the body color, and the marabou colors you can duplicate many of the common forage fish available to the larger predators.

This streamer is the "McKay Special". It was created by a Maine Guide, and is a staple in my streamer box. It has taken trout, bass, and is my best producer of "Salter" brook trout in Cape Cod streams.

I fish streamers all year long, but the spring and autumn are best. Strip a streamer along a small stream run like this on a cool crisp autumn day and the possibility is very good your streamer will be greeted with a violent strike.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Trying To Keep Cool

With the temperatures hovering around the 100 degree mark over the last few days it's tough to keep cool. I enjoy the outdoors but that century mark on the temp sign makes you want to stay close to the AC.

Here are a few things I've been doing to try and get through it.
Wednesday we paid a visit to the Farmington River. That 60 degree water felt good.
Time spent mostly sitting in the water, but did cast a fly once or twice.

Although hunting season is months away, certain permits must be mailed now. Yesterday while filling these out, the thought of the weather the Monday following Thanksgiving, that's when these permits will be used, seem to have a cooling effect to the mind.

I tied up a dozen of these, "Brk Trt's Emergers", for a fly swap.

And since the AC is pumping, oh those electric bills, I decided to turn on the oven for an hour or so, I make this wonderful salmon loaf.
I got the recipe from....
It's very tasty.

Well try to stay cool.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My 200th, Thanks

When I started this blog a little over a year ago I never thought it would be this rewarding. This will be my 200th post.
I have written about everything from fishing, fly tying, food, and about family. Small streams and wild trout, the beautiful places I have found them, from mountain freestone to slow meandering streams.
I am not a gifted writer who can say a lot of what I feel into words, so I try to put those feelings into photos instead.
I have enjoyed telling you of my times on the waters, and along the waters. I hope you have enjoyed reading of these. I will continue to try to provide you with my best.
Thank you.

Below are some photos of a few past posts.

A pristine natural environment...... where wild trout live.

Beautiful wild trout

Jeanette, a wife, mother, and a friend. She has accompanied me on so many of my adventures. She has bushwhacked, camped, got rained on, snowed on, chased away black bears, black flies, and so much more. I have enjoyed her company.
She is also a staunch supporter of wild trout.

I have been tying flies for a few years. These two streamers are from the starting point.
They are named for my two grandchildren, to commemorate their birth.
The fly on the right is my first streamer, "Morgans Fancy" it was tied about 10 years ago. The streamer on the left is "Ethans Special" tied 8 years ago.

These are what I consider the best dry fly for wild trout. "The Ausable Bomber".
This fly has accounted for more wild trout than any other fly I fish.

A wild brook trout, a native to my state of Connecticut. He will always be my number 1.

As my granddaughter Morgan once said when asked what do you like better.... big trout, or little trout. She quickly replied...... lil trout.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Heat Waves, and Other Things

We in the northeast are about to go on one of those 90 degree heat waves. From this AM's weather long range forecasts, it looks to be at least 5 days in duration.
We have been doing some recon on a few streams that have access to the salt, in hopes of finding a searun brook trout stream. We have found a few and will put them to a test come autumn. The one pictured above is the latest find. I did not fish it but took several photos, and the one above was so peaceful. The trees mirrored in the water .......... A Small Stream Reflection.

This photo from last winter will cool you down, but I'm in no hurry to see this soon.

This is something I have been playing with. Taking a  photo of a fly, and placing it in a matted frame.
I would appreciate your thoughts on it.

We came upon this beautiful church in a rural Connecticut town. It was founded in 1729, and is still holding services. It was located on a paved road, but alongside were two dirt roads. I wonder if one of our founding fathers ever worshiped here.

Rural Connecticut, fresh eggs......... A cheese and scallion omlet.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Days

Here's looking at you

As we enter into mid summer, the days are bright, sunny, and hot. Now's the time to fish tailwaters. If you have a small stream that runs cool, 66 degrees or cooler, it's best to fish these small streams in the early AM, when they may even cool overnight. The days can be reserved for other summer doings.

Here are a few of the things I've been doing on these days.

Reading, this little guide is well written. It's concise, and the color photos are splendid.

When fishing the other day, I thought I had lost a fly to the stream side brush. But when I got home I took off my shoes to let them dry on the deck. And what do I see, the fly safely tucked into my shoe lace.

In the Fall 2011 "Trout" magazine are several very good articles on Maine Brook Trout. There's also a article on the Blueback Trout. It's very informative, interesting reading.

I also have been tying a few flies to replace some of the ones that went missing in action.

And enjoying some great table fare........ "Bayou Stew"


Friday, July 15, 2011

One of Those Days

Some days as we begin our fishing adventure, it can almost be a success without even casting a fly. Yesterday was one of those days. As I was pulling into a parking area that borders a wild trout stream I was greeted with this magnificent display of wild flowers.
Upon viewing these I said this is my day, it can't get any better. But that was to be topped by the beauty along the wet stream.

We had received a few showers the night before, and the woods were very damp, and that earthy smell was all around, mixing with the scent of wild flowers and fir trees. The air temps were on the rise, from the nightly low of about 58 degrees. There was a nice breeze, which helped to control the bug population.

I was going to fish dry flies today, and the Bomber was first up. I knew he would not strike out so he pretty much would be the only fly of the outing.
It did not take long before the Bomber was hit by a wonderful little wild resident.
I admired its beauty momentarily, slipping the hook out and letting him go. He was not to be seen in a heartbeat.

The few hours spent here today were enough to refresh the body and mind.......

Along this small run I was given a performance of the life in the wild.
A dragon fly was what looked to be dropping eggs in the stream was attacked by a small brook trout of about 5 inches. As the fly landed and lifted up off the water several times, the brookie tried to grab her. In the end the fly won out.
Wild tenacity on both parts.

Brook trout places, water temps on this stream 64 degrees.

A wild gem

Its not a wild trout, but its beauty can't be denied.

Along this deep dark run the fly was taken by a very beautiful brookie. In good shape, he actually put a bend in the 2wt.............. This was One of Those Days