Sunday, June 6, 2021

The shape of things....

We have been out and about this past week fishing and walking along several streams. Most of Connecticut's woodlands are coming alive with color in the form of mountain laurel. There are some incredible blooms out there. We have been graced with adequate rainfall and the streams and trout are in good shape. I took this photo of what was a highly productive run in the past. Nature has provided what is referred to "chop and drop" it is in it's natural form. Although it has taken away from an enjoyable spot to fish it will benefit the wild brookies in so many ways.

One of the outstanding features of the landscape is the fact that the color green dominates. And with that theme I chose green to highlight my outing.


The Cabela's CGR rod has a lovely shade of green. The caddis with it's pale green body matches the color scheme. But.....

it was the "bomber" that did most of the work on the stream.

An unusual sight. Looks like a few mayflies in an attempt to perhaps mate somehow got stuck on a spider web.

Here we are just before stopping for lunch, which that day was "old reliable" PB&J

Well we are back at it again today.....hope you'll be able to do the same.



  1. Looks like a lovely ramble and beautiful trout!
    While it's always a bit of a let down when a spot gets tree'd, you are right that's is a good thing for those fish.

    1. Nathan Camp
      Nate chop and drop is effective. And in a few years that run will change and I hope it's a natural one.

  2. You can't have to many PB&J lunches.

    1. Mark Kautz
      Mark PB&J is so portable. No refrigeration and they really taste great out there.

  3. Lush green forests, mountain laurel blooms, a Cabela's CGR and brookies on a bomber sounds a lot like my outing on a new to me stream yesterday.

    1. Shawn
      Shawn you have just described "brook trout forest" Lush green forests, mountain laurel blooms, a Cabela's CGR and brookies on a bomber
      You have been doing well on your new streams...thumbs up.

  4. Alan
    I can see both of you staying in great shape for years to come--not only for the hiking but for the companionship of someone who loves the outdoors as much as you do.
    Can't beleive the brook trout wasn't interested in the Caddis, such an appealing pattern for any trout to pounce on---thanks for sharing

    1. Bill Trussell
      Bill staying in shape is key to happiness as we age. The companionship is also good for our mental well being. And the place to do it all is outdoors within nature. I to was surprised that the caddis did not get the attention.

  5. I'm just thankful that there isn't another chicharrones reference in this post; I'm trying to lose a few pounds and pictures of your favorite snack aren't helping! I almost bought one of those CGR rods back in the day, I wish I had, they've held their weight against some truly fine rods.

    1. mike
      Mike the wight issue has always been an issue, but if something is going to be a problem it may as well be tasty.
      The CGR has been one of my better 59.00 investments. I should have know though when Bass Pro bought them out the CGR would change
