Guess what, I saw my first winter stonefly of 2018 on my last outing. He was spotted on a piece of steel, and he was fully aware of my presence. As I focused the camera on him he took off, luckily for me he stopped briefly and gave me the shot.
These few days of February have been kind weather wise. I'm delighted when the temperatures are above 32, for it keeps the ice out of the guides, and may even turn the fish onto eating. The stream was flowing a bit fast, but was shelf ice free. The banks were clear and in spots very soft. The fish were in a lockjaw frame of mind giving only a single hookup in the hour or so of fishing. So when things are slow I like to wander and see what's beyond the next bend, perhaps I should have stayed put.....
As you can see it looks real good, maybe for April, but swift water and few pockets were not going to get it done.
As I moved down to and area that was new to me I saw some incredible sights, one of which was this growth of ferns. The colors were so vibrant, green like spring. Beyond the ferns I could here the water crashing down, and it was loud.
Walking to the edge I could see the stream wildly crashing down. It was a beautiful sight, moss covered rocks, hemlocks, and polished stone. I sat here for awhile taking in the beauty, and figuring how I was going to proceed....caution, caution, and more caution.

I'm proud to say I made it down safely. The pool before me looked good because of the fact that there was a soft spot in the currents that just may hold a fish. As I moved to get a footing to make a cast I stepped onto a bunch of woody debris that had collected near the edge. The wood gave way and I found myself with one leg on the rock and the other in the water. I was stretched to the limit, I mean painfully stretched. I tried to get myself right and after a few tries I was able to bring my rock leg down to meet mt other leg. Leaning back for a few minutes I was able to get stable, and the pain was subsiding. As I looked in front of me I could see that the area ahead was much more angler friendly. Now since I had gone through some hell I said may as well make that cast...I did and I....

Made contact with this beautiful creature. Brilliant colors with lots of red dots and blue halos. I guess the soft hackle looked like a swimming stone fly. I hobbled out and thankfully some pain killers and rest I'm now A-OK.