Thursday, December 27, 2012

Photos of 2012, Part 1

Photos of 2012
New Years Day

My first trout of 2012 taken on New Years Day

Even with the suns rays it's cold

A small stream

Wild brook trout taken on a dry fly in January

"Shelf Ice"

A home cooked meal



  1. Hi Alan,
    The colors on the wild brook trout are beautiful and the plate of pasta isn't shabby either. :)

  2. Hey there Brk Trt,
    I like the photos of 2012. NICE!
    The way the snow is falling here in the Berkshires, is a little depressing on the wishes of spring 2013. But this new fallen snow is still beautiful, so I think I'll enjoy. Great weather for tying up a few.

    Hope you send us some first pictures of the new year 2013.........Phil

  3. Nice job Brk Trt!!!! I recognize a couple of those characters you have been keeping company with!!!!!

  4. Nice post Brk Trt! I'm looking forward to part II.

  5. Hi Alan!

    How nice it must be to be able to fly fish the year around. Lovely brook trout you got as a first trout in 2012. This year has for me been a total disaster since there was hardly any summer at all here. Furthermore I moved to another city so there has been hardly any fly fishing at all this year for me. I have to find some comfort in tying flies and looking forward to the coming season. Have already made some planes with one of my fly fishing buddies. Looking forward and trying just to eraze this year from my mind when it comes to fly fishing. By the way I have reserved a pack of flies for you in my fly swap for January so when I get your address I'll send them. Hope you get a nice brook trout the first day of 2013 too!

    Friendly greetings,
    Mats Olsson

  6. There's that pretty blue streamer again!

  7. Love the name "Shelf Ice." Very poetic and evocative.

  8. Everyone tells me I need to concentrate more on fishing and less on picture taking. I've either got to get a whole lot better or start fishing more. Thanks Alan, beautiful.
