Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Mini Muddler

Here in the northeast there's a following of sorts of Fran Betters and the patterns he created. In Connecticut we have a group of die hard small stream fly fishers who push this almost to the max. This is a tribute to one of the flies he modified from an existing one and I like to think did so for the small stream.

The fly is the mini muddler. It's a small version of Don Gapens muddler minnow. Fran took the original and scaled it back. This fly is deadly on small streams especially with wild brook trout. Below are a couple of mini muddlers I tied. I tied these using a yellow wing and a tail from a grouse feather.

Mini muddlers. These are size 12's. They are tied on a 9671 Mustad hook. So armed with these I fished a stream a few days ago.

There's so much to see along the stream these days. As I stopped to change flies, the fly I had on was not the fly I was to fish. Opening the fly box I noticed the mini muddlers were in the car. I was not feeling like walking back so I looked in the box for something else to fish with. It was then that a fly was spotted, a fly that Mark had tied for me some time ago. It was a mini muddler, tied with a yellow wing. I tied this fly on and proceeded to have a fine outing.

Mini muddler as tied by Mark. I think he to is a fancier of Fran Betters.

It did not take long for the fly to be successful.

The beauty of the mini muddler is the versatility. It can be fished as a streamer, wet fly, or fished dry.

This guy came from under that wood pile in the stream.

Where this tributary joins the small stream I was fishing this day I caught this wonderful little guy on the mini muddler.

If you can tie some of these up, if you don't tie you can purchase a few, and give them a try.



  1. Alan - nice to see you out there again. I came across the mini muddled in Frans pattern book a couple of winters ago. He described a variation with a yellow duck quill wing as being very effective for small stream brook trout. I tried a few last year and found his advice to be spot on. He was an amazing innovator in fly design!

    1. Mark,
      I've got the same book. And he was a tyer that knew what fish liked.

  2. Have you tried tying a few with a bit of weight on them? Such as a small black or gold beadbead? Sometimes I like it because it gets it below the surface faster (being a bulky fly) which can be important on a small stream.

    1. Peter F.
      I've never tried them weighted in a small stream, although I have fished a conehead version in larger rivers.
      Might have to give it a try.

  3. Nice shots of the wildflowers too! I think the purple one is fringed polygala and the white starflower

    1. Mark,
      Seems as if every time your out now there's a new flower about. Wonderful times.

  4. love that you share your area and its beauty as well as the fish and ties. :)

    1. TexWisGirl,
      Theresa it's my pleasure.

  5. Replies
    1. Howard,
      Now there's a comment I've never gotten. It's appreciated Howard.

  6. Outstanding pattern, Alan. I am in no way a Muddler aficionado, but, I can see small stream trout tearing this up. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

    1. Mel Moore,
      I've been told that there is no middle ground on the muddler, love it or don't.
      Small stream trout, especially brookies do indeed tear it up.

  7. Nice muddlers Alan, various mini muddlers are popular over here too, not so much on rivers but ginked up for surface disturbance on lochs.

    1. brian,
      That's interesting. I may try that over here on a pond or two.

  8. Very nice ties, you did an excellent job on the ties and as always beautiful trout. P.S. I am headed trout fishing next week and am going to be sure to give those flies you sent me a spin or two. Thanks again.

    1. Atlas,
      That's great buddy. I'll be waiting for your report.

  9. Alan
    The Muddler is one of my favorites, but the ones I fish doesn't compare with the ones you tie. I have not tried this fly on the tailrace but come July I will give it a try. I will spend the rest of May and all of June on the lake with an occasional trip to the tailrace when the hatch is tremendous. Thanks for sharing

    1. Bill Trussell,
      It's a good fly Bill. The rainbows will take them. They will tempt a bass or two from time to time.

  10. Like those little muddlers.

  11. Alan...

    i'm going to Maine for a week...Grand Lake Stream area...i'll try to take some pics of the native brookies that reside there...

    wish me luck!!!

    tight lines on those thin-blue 1's... :)

  12. flyfisher1000,
    Dave you are lucky. Hope the weather is in your favor, and the trout and salmon hit everything that's presented.

  13. Mini-Muddler and the Muddler Minnow itself-- great patterns! Also enjoyed the flower pics-- fringed polygala and starflower.

    1. rivertoprambles,
      Walt that they are.
      Those polygala are truly beautiful.

  14. What hook size are those Mini Muddlers? Want to tie up I tie them on # 12 but those look smaller.
