I haven't tied a Rangeley streamer in some time. I have been a little slack in tying but those featherwing streamers have been center in my mind. I woke this morning and went downstairs to get a coffee. When I got back upstairs I put a Martinek Rangeley streamer hook in the vise and let it happen. An hour or so later the finished fly waited for it's final coats of Cellire. These long feathered flies still have that appeal to me as the first time I laid eyes on one many years ago.
"HIF" |
"HIF" |
ReplyDeleteWilliam Shuck
I must keep in practice.
Very nice! Is that a Daiichi Talleur hook Alan?
ReplyDeleteRalph Long
Ralph it's a Mike Martinek Rangeley Streamer hook.
They are made by Gaelic Supreme.
"Neat but not gaudy".
ReplyDeleteJohn Dornik
John I know what you mean.
I'm in awe of someone that can "let it happen" and it ends up looking like that. Always appreciate those flies.
ReplyDeleteMark Kautz
Mark sometimes I do my best when I just let it happen.
That's a beauty, nicely done...
ReplyDeleteDoug Korn
Doug I'm trying to keep the tradition alive.
ReplyDeleteYour streamer work (all of your work actually!) still fascinates the crap out of me! And Wow! When your creative juices get flowing, you can really make it happen!
In awe in Ohio,
Doug in the days when I first started tying these streamers there was a gent that would tie them and refer the flies as "Artistic"...meaning they represented the art in tying them. He was an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteJason and I will always treasure the streamers you tied for us. Jason has the streamers you tied for him under glass in his den Sacramento Cal. The streamers you tied for me will grace the wall in our den in our new home which will be finished by Christmas. The Rangeley is awesome with it's brilliant colors. I may stay another collection after we move in. Thanks for sharing another great fly pattern
Bill Trussell
Bill it makes me feel so good to hear things like that. One of the peaks of a fly tyer is to have those in the fly fishing/tying community show their appreciation by framing his/hers flies.
very nice Alan, I had some fun last night reading all your posts since I went away on holiday, lovely pics as always and some stunning fish, well done .
George it has been a good month or so for me. I hope it continues.
Beautiful as always Alan. I look at your streamers every day, they are special. Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteBrad Basehore
Brad they are the fly tyers art.
They are so gratifying to tie.
Beautiful patron streamer Alan, but what mean that HIF ..?
ReplyDeleteArmando Milosevic
Armando sorry I missed your comment.
HIF means "how I feel"....