Changing weather, as iconic New England as brook trout. Well over the last couple of weeks we have been in a deep freeze, with a nor'easter thrown in. Air temps have had to struggle to hit 10 degrees. With weather like that stream fishing was out. Now for a change, a moderating trend in temps started Monday and which will end with today's high temp of 50+ degrees. This change took me to a stream on Tuesday where I would be able to work a fly or two and perhaps be rewarded with my first fish of 2018.
The day was cloudy and although gloomy the possibility of a peek of sun was there. The sounds of the woods were silent, only a bluejay could be heard, probably alerting every creature to my being there. I enjoy quiet out there but only from man made noise, the natural stuff is welcomed.
Sparse tracks going in. Perhaps a hiker.
The stream was flowing nicely, open water and breaking ice. Careful wading was a must. I had tied on one of the soft-hackle streamers I just finished tying. Working every possible section of stream I searched for a willing player.
After many casts I connected, a brook trout slammed the streamer. He was beautifully marked and strong. My first wild jewel of 2018 was at hand.
This run was on fire this day. I had numerous strikes here. They came from various places along it's length and it's shallows and depths.
My second brookie of the day/year came from the run above.
Last years nest, with an icy's lovely out there.
I did use several other flies today, but this is really all I needed.